

Why You Should Rethink Shopping at IKEA

By Dubai Decor  •   3 minute read

Why You Should Rethink Shopping at IKEA

IKEA furniture destroys some of Europe’s last remaining ancient forests Greenpeace Reports

IKEA, the world-renowned Swedish furniture giant, has built a reputation for affordable, stylish, and functional home furnishings. However, beneath the sleek surface of its flatpack furniture lies a troubling environmental impact that has recently come to light. According to a recent investigation by Greenpeace, IKEA’s suppliers have been linked to the systematic destruction of Romania’s ancient forests, raising serious ethical and environmental concerns.

The Environmental Toll of Flatpack Furniture

The Romanian Forest Crisis

Romania’s Carpathian mountains are home to some of Europe’s last remaining old-growth forests, rich in biodiversity and crucial for carbon sequestration. These forests are now under threat, primarily due to illegal logging activities. Greenpeace and other environmental organizations have exposed the role of IKEA’s suppliers in this environmental crisis. The report highlights that the demand for cheap wood to produce IKEA’s vast array of products is driving illegal logging operations that devastate these ancient woodlands.

Why You Should Rethink Shopping at IKEA
Illegal Logging Practices

Investigations revealed that several of IKEA’s wood suppliers are engaging in illegal logging, which includes cutting trees from protected areas and falsifying documents to legitimize the timber. This practice not only destroys the natural habitat of countless species but also undermines efforts to combat climate change by releasing stored carbon back into the atmosphere.

IKEA’s Sustainability Claims Under Scrutiny

IKEA has long promoted its commitment to sustainability, boasting initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental footprint and promoting responsible sourcing. However, the findings from Romania cast a shadow over these claims. The company has denied any wrongdoing, asserting that it adheres to strict environmental standards and regularly audits its suppliers. Yet, the persistent issues of illegal logging suggest that these measures are insufficient or inadequately enforced.

The Impact on Local Communities

Beyond environmental damage, the deforestation in Romania has significant social implications. Local communities that depend on the forests for their livelihoods are facing displacement and loss of income. The destruction of these forests also threatens traditional ways of life and cultural heritage, as many local populations have lived in harmony with these ecosystems for generations.

Ethical Considerations for Consumers

Consumers are increasingly aware of the ethical implications of their purchasing decisions. The revelations about IKEA’s supply chain raise important questions about the true cost of affordable furniture. While IKEA offers budget-friendly options, the environmental and social costs of these products are often hidden from view. This situation presents a moral dilemma for consumers who must weigh the convenience and affordability of IKEA’s products against the environmental and ethical consequences.

Why You Should Rethink Shopping at IKEA

Alternatives to IKEA

For those who wish to make sustainable and ethical choices, there are several alternatives to consider:

  • Local Craftsmen and Artisans: Purchasing from local furniture makers supports the local economy and often results in higher-quality, unique pieces. 
    You can explore Dubai Decor's unique collection
  • Sustainable Brands: Many furniture companies prioritize sustainability, using recycled materials and ensuring ethical sourcing.
    Aramesh wood is a trusted eco-friendly sustainable home decor brand.
  • Second-Hand Furniture: Buying second-hand reduces demand for new products and gives a second life to existing items.


The recent spotlight on IKEA’s role in the destruction of Romanian forests serves as a stark reminder of the hidden costs of mass-produced, affordable furniture. While IKEA has made efforts to promote sustainability, the ongoing issues in its supply chain highlight the need for more stringent oversight and accountability. As consumers, it is essential to consider the broader impact of our purchasing choices and to support companies that genuinely prioritize environmental and social responsibility. By staying informed and making conscious decisions, we can help drive positive change and reduce our collective ecological footprint.

For a more detailed examination of this issue, you can read the full report on Euronews here.
Photography by: Bruno Manser Fonds

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